


        上海基立讯信息科技有限公司是一家由归国中青年学者于2003年共同创办的专门以声纹识别、语音识别、语音合成、自然语言理解等人工智能语音技术商业化应用为目标的高新技术企业。基立讯是国内最早从事智能语音类产品研发、技术服务的企业之一。2004 年在浙江省电信有限公司上线的“智能综合信息服务系统”是国内最早大型语音识别商业应用案例。2008-2010年,国内最早将语音识别用于企业电话通信并有最多的相关部署案例。2011 年和阿里巴巴合作“阿里净化剂项目”也是国内最早将语音识别和电话外呼相结合的案例。在2015年和2016年,分别在国内金融行业最早推出基于语音识别和声纹识别的应用案例。公司的“智能电核机器人”在人名核实、地址核实和单位名核实等核心痛点问题上均处于业界领先地位。公司的语音合成引擎在合成拟人化方面比肩业界最优效果。公司基于自然语言理解(NLP)的多个应用均成功在金融相关行业落地。



  • 信赖度:始终如一履行对客户所做出的承诺,赢得客户信赖。
  • 专业度:客户服务人员具备提供优质和专业服务的能力。
  • 有形度:通过有形的系统平台,支持服务人员的仪表、态度体现出对客户的帮助和关怀。,多项软件专利技术
  • 同理度:设身处地为客户着想,以同理心对待客户需求。
  • 反应度:及时响应,主动服务。

        ShangHai made inquiry information technology co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as: the base stand, English name: Jiliason) is established jointly by young homecoming scholars specializing in artificial intelligence speech technology commercialization as the goal of high-tech enterprises.Adhering to the concept of "integrity, professionalism and innovation", we have created an infinitely rich and flexible platform space for its users and partners.Provides a safe, reliable, large capacity, fully functional, extensible, and seamless integration with the enterprise business system technology platform.The company is dedicated to the field of speech recognition and voice print recognition, and constantly strives for innovation in the improvement and improvement of relevant artificial intelligence products, to customize the artificial intelligence products on demand for customers.

        Recently, the sales performance and market share of the rapid development of the artificial intelligence has been increasing rapidly, which is also recognized by the industry.The enterprise has the voice recognition, the voice pattern recognition, the deep learning related artificial intelligence field application development the first-class talented person.Currently, 85% of the company's employees are technicians, and 90% of them are bachelor's degree or above. Among them, there is a doctor of the United States, a master's degree and a master's degree.

        According to the characteristics of the domestic industry users of different base set to carefully analyze all kinds of business requirements, depth development in technology, continuous innovation, across the country, with large capacity, high stability, function, and advantage in luxury and the optimal ratio of won the general trust of end users and integrators, and quickly occupy the market in various industries.We aim to be the leader in the field of artificial intelligence speech in the next three years or so.

        A series of products developed by enterprises based on relevant AI technology have the advantages of unique products, innovative application and leading performance in domestic related fields.And won various awards in related industries.

Service Requirement

  • Degree of trust: always fulfill the commitment to customers, win the trust of customers.
  • Professionalism: customer service staff with the ability to provide quality and professional services
  • Visibility: support the appearance and attitude of the service staff through a tangible system platform to show the help and care for customers., a number of software patents
  • Empathy: put yourself in the shoes of the customer and treat the customer's needs with empathy.
  • Degree of response: timely response, active service.